Hydrogen Gas Generators

High efficiency laboratory hydrogen generators

Equipped with PEM technology, flow-rates from 100 cc/min to 20 L/min and pressure up to 16 bars, with very high purity. High efficiency self-regenerating dryers operating at constant temperature reduce maintenance costs and ensure constant hydrogen purity. High reliability guaranteed by exclusive and patented solutions (e.g. electronic GLS).

Hydrogen or H2 gas is a fast gas used in laboratories for analysis

For more than 30 years, LNI Swissgas have developed premium hydrogen gas generators for laboratories and especially for gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) applications: Fuel Gas, Carrier gas, Combustion Gas, Make-up gas and others.

LNI Swissgas on-site hydrogen generators have very unique features when compared to others. They offer a real alternative to cylinders and helium as a carrier gas. They are equipped with patented, cutting edge technology, which meet the GC requirements for all major instrument OEMs.

Equipped with Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) technology, LNI H2 generators are the smallest and most powerful in the market with flow-rates from 100 cc/min to 20 L/min and pressure up to 16 bars with very high purity.

When you choose to work with a LNI hydrogen generator in your lab, you’re also working with over 30 years of combined expertise and innovation that provide reliability and sustainability for your analytical lab. The high performance of LNI Hydrogen gas generators, makes them the ideal solution for gas chromatography (GC) applications, providing an economical and safe alternative to helium and gas cylinders.

How does a LNI Hydrogen Gas Generator work?

A hydrogen gas generator produces hydrogen gas from distilled water using a process called electrolysis. The electrolysis process is done in the generator using a cell with polymeric membrane (PEM).

The cell contains two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, that separate the hydrogen ions in a water molecule from the oxygen ions. Hydrogen ions are attracted to the cathode while the oxygen ions are attracted to the anode. The separated hydrogen is the dried and using our patented technology, we can then create the correct pressure and deliver high purity hydrogen required to the application.

Where is a Gas Generator installed?

While gas cylinders are usually installed outside for safety reason (ventilation), an in-house gas generator can be easily and safely installed in the laboratory next to the instrument, on the floor or on a bench that LNI supplies and customizes. LNI offers complete, quiet, safe, small and stackable solution for GCs easily placed next to the instrument.

Benefits of On-Site Hydrogen Generators over Gas Cylinders

Hydrogen or helium gas cylinders are still used in many laboratories for analytical purposes. Supplying GC instruments using gas cylinder can result in irregular deliveries and changeover of cylinders and with this, unnecessary disruption to critical analysis.

Cylinders can be cumbersome, can create potential health and safety concerns, if not stored or installed correctly and can be costly. With lab gas generators, all of those problems are removed and the investment is quickly realised. Generators create a consistent and safe delivery of H2 gas to the GC instruments leaving only benefits over cylinders:

A Hydrogen Gas Generator is safe!

Safety in a lab is paramount and on-site hydrogen generation is much safer than gas cylinders storage. A hydrogen generator produces on-demand hydrogen at a controlled level and at low pressure. It does not store any hydrogen inside itself.

There is no risk of leaks. In the unlikely event of a leak, only a very small quantity of hydrogen is released without any explosion risks.

The on-board CPU on our H2 gas generators automatically check for internal leaks and constantly control the operating parameters to guarantee full safety. In case of worries with Hydrogen as a carrier gas, LNI supplies on request hydrogen sensors.


A gas generator is more cost-effective than cylinders

Gas generators produce on-demand gas eliminating gas wastes, delivery costs, cylinder rental charges, maintenance costs of cylinders, downtime costs, administration costs (re-order, price increase) etc. Return on investment usually takes less than 1 year, depending on the application requirements (usage and purity).

  • Deliveries and bottles changeover often cause critical downtime. With on-site gas generation, Hydrogen is supplied to the application at the appropriate quantity, at the appropriate purity level and exactly when needed.
  • Gas prices are unstable. With a lab gas generator on-site, the production of hydrogen is on-demand and does not depend on suppliers.
  • Lab hydrogen generators maintenance is easy and very low. Remote control avoids disassembly and allows the manufacturer to analyse critical equipment parameters as well as identify pending failures before they affect your lab operations.
  • Gas generators of LNI have an energy savings competitive advantage when compared to others.

A Hydrogen Gas Generator is a green solution

  • On-site gas generators reduce carbon footprint. A small and light machine with a push button next to your instrument replaces thousands of hazardous gas cylinders.
  • On-site gas generation uses renewable resources air and water
  • On-site gas generators eliminate gas deliveries forever
  • The remote diagnostics capability on our products helps us to support our customers quickly while avoiding travel, whenever possible, and the environmental impact it imposes on our planet.
  • Our products utilize technology with energy savings features

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