As a world leader in the calibration and mixture of gas, it is important for us to remind all our customers to do a regular calibration or check of their instrument.
LNI offers our customers and distributors instrument calibration and maintenance services in Geneva.

LNI Swissgas Gas Generators High Quality
Here are the 5 good reasons :


  1. To be in compliance with ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 standards which require companies that own/operate test and measurement equipment to maintain and monitor the acceptable operating performance of their calibration systems. We recommend calibration and maintenance every 18 months.
  2. To keep your SONIMIX accurate and precise.
    Enhance the performance of your calibration systems.
  3. To take advantage of the benefits offered by LNI.
    LNI is committed to keeping the price of gas calibration systems maintenance at the same level as 2021.
    On request, we offer express maintenance option in 5 days maximum.
  4. To insure the highest quality of calibration tests with
    LNI Swissgas ISO 17025-2017 accredited measurement laboratory
    in order to be linked to the national standards. Main international industries, organizations and regulatory authorities will only accept test or calibration reports from a laboratory that is ISO 17025 accredited.
  5. To relax! 
    With a service contract, on request we can send a reminder 3 months  prior to the recalibration time.

Contact us now!

Check here our Swisscare Service Plan.
Based on your needs, we will offer four levels of Premium Service that will provide you with preventative maintenance and onsite repair service with many advantages. By signing up with a SwissCare Service Plan with us you will enhance the performance of the equipment you have purchased by allowing a certified technician to carry out all maintenance and repair services.

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